Curriculum Vitæ

Who I am

I stepped into the world of programming during the first covid lockdown. As I was stuck in my appartment I decided to give a try to something I never dared starting seriously. I taught myself the basics of web development grabbing lectures and courses here and there on the web and landed my first job in less than a year.

I have the will to deepen my knowledge in both front and back end, as I find each of them differently interesting.

Currently looking for a front-end developer opening in an IT company where I could not only work with Angular and TS on a daily basis, but also advance on my career path.


  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Angular, RxJs
  • Python (Django, Flask)
  • Drupal (CMS)
  • Git, GitHub
  • Figma

Bubble Sorting

I’ve been recently very interested in Go so here’s a code snippet:

        // Bubble Sorting Algorithm in Go
        func BubbleSort(sli []int) {
            l := len(sli)

            for i := range sli[:l] {
                for j := range sli[:l-i-1] {
                    if sli[j] > sli[j+1] {
                        Swap(sli, j)

        func Swap(sli []int, i int) {
            sli[i], sli[i+1] = sli[i+1], sli[i]

Professional Experience

2021 - Web Developer in a french communication agency
Mainly built websites with Drupal, worked in team on Angular & Symfony projects.


Some of my personal projects:



  • French flag French: Native (C2)
  • British flag English: Advanced (B2-C1)
  • Italian flag Italian: Advanced (CILS B2)
  • German flag German: Intermediate (B1-B2)

Let's get in touch!